Get to know us

An organization that is dedicated and open to serve humanity locally and globally. We are currently focused on escalated challenges faced by the younger generation. To support the well-being of children and youth, it is crucial to start conversations about mental health, challenges with social and family connection, and much more.

person in black long sleeve shirt holding babys feet
person in black long sleeve shirt holding babys feet

Did you know? Canada’s youth suicide rate is the third highest in the industrialized world and it’s the second leading cause of death for those aged 15-34.

Our dedicated volunteers are working tirelessly to raise awareness, and eliminate stigma, to advocate and to promote access to mental health resources, support and care. We strive to create a more empathetic and inclusive environment.

Our team are in continuous communication with local dignitaries and community leaders about increasing access to mental health services specially for communities with ethnic backgrounds.

What we do

Why we started...

  • Demand for mental health services is rising Canada wide and Niagara Region is not an exception we are feeling the pinch of inadequate resources in our community as well.

  • Community wide strategies and implementation is an essential need with collaboration and support from all sectors of our communities is desperately needed.

  • Awareness and prevention campaigns to well spread the message is vital including the awareness of available resources and how to navigate the system in right direction is imperative too. Straighten the family ties with openness and friendly communication among parents and youngsters are more likely to help towards solutions with positive outcomes.

  • Mental health training sessions for schools, religious institutions and media outlets is important

  • Reviving sense of Moral obligations among each others to create an understanding of timely intervention for someone going towards life ending stages.

  • Communities wide campaign and efforts with diversified lenses and perspective of cultural and religious diversity

  • To create a meaningful connection between seniors and young’s calling intergenerational relationships towards a journey of compassion, connections sense of giving something meaningful in life with a reason to live and improve self esteem.